MFAT is the principal advisor to Government and negotiator on foreign trade policy including leading negotiations for high quality and comprehensive free trade agreements and trade arrangements that promote Samoa’s trade interests.  Samoa’s positions in trade negotiations are developed through the National Working Committee on Trade Arrangements (NWCTA), chaired by MFAT and is comprised of representatives from government agencies, private sector and civil society. Negotiating trade agreements requires extensive consultations with all stakeholders as well as continuous research and data analysis.

The Ministry also has the overall trade promotion function which includes the facilitation of Samoa’s participation in international expositions; and visiting business missions to Samoa.

MFAT’s role in trade policy development, trade promotion and management of foreign trade relations are reflected in the Trade, Commerce and Manufacturing Sector Plan (TCMSP). The TCMSP 2017-2021 follows the strategic direction of the Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2017-2020 with trade policy objectives integrated in the TCMSP to:

  • Improve industrial supply and productivity;
  • Increase processing activities and value-addition;
  • Enhance market access and visibility of goods and services; and
  • Strengthen sector coordination, planning and support actions


The cross-sectoral links to agriculture and tourism, for example, are important considerations for policy development, managing relations with development partners and in the implementation of national, regional and multilateral trade-related interventions.

Trade is a viable option for Samoa’s economic development with the potential to contribute to greater economic activity and job creation. Through trade agreements, market access (duty-free) of exports are secured; trade cooperation with key trading partners are strengthened to develop and expand trade and investment opportunities for Samoa; as well as address trade impediments and challenges including supply side constraints and raising awareness of all stakeholders.

Additional trade related resources can be accessed on the Samoa Trade Information Portal

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